Non violent communication and active listening

You cannot “not communicate”  (Watzlawick). Most interpersonal problems are based on male functioning communication. 

Often we don’t feel as though we are being understood or even heard and our counterpart basically feels the same. We communicate through various communication channels. Our verbal communication is only a minor part of how we actually relate to each other. In order to be able to interact more openly, constructively and lovingly it is necessary to evaluate our social communication behaviours. Usually we don’t even realise that we manipulate, overwhelm, hurt or pressure others through our communication. 

In case of Parental Alienation this will have a severe negativ impact on your relationship.

I will introduce you to the theory as well as practical basic skills of non violent communication and active listening through interactive role-play. Thereby you will learn how to build more loving, caring and open relationships through changing your communication behaviour.

Basis are the works of Marshall Rosenberg (Non Violent Communication) and active listening skills.

I am looking forward to guiding you through this process. Please do not hesitate to contact me with requests or questions. Carolyn Steen